The First Annual Open Track Challenge
May 11-18, 2002

"Who Will be the OTC King?"

7 Tracks in 7 Days to determine who really is the fastest driver/car combo

Note: This page is a "place marker" for my daily commentary on the Open Track Challenge.  This is not the "Official OTC" page.  In theory, I can just copy a couple of pics and the html page each night to the site, and you can follow it from here.  So basically, you won't see anything on this page until the night of May 11.  Hopefully I can update the site every night around midnight as to the festivities that happened earlier in the day.  

[Note: Update, June 15:  I still haven't finalized stories and pictures yet, give me another week or so.  Below are the drafts that were mostly written during the event]

[Note: Update, July 6th:  Finally finished the story!  I should have more of the cool OTC T-shirts for sale at with in one week]

May 11, Day 0 - Commentary about the day before the first event.

May 12, Day 1 - Commentary about the Pahrump results.

May 13, Day 2 - Commentary about the Willow Springs results.

May 14, Day 3 - Commentary about the Streets of Willow results.

May 15, Day 4 - Commentary about the Buttonwillow Clockwise #1 results

May 16, Day 5 - Commentary about the Thunderhill results

May 17, Day 6 - Commentary about the Buttonwillow Counter-Clockwise #14 results

May 18, Day 7 - Commentary about the Las Vegas Motor Speedway event

May 18, Final Results - And the Winner is....

A Tribute to the Heroes (with apologies to Seinfeld) that helped Team Pulp Racing and 1-800-Phoneguys can be found here (note: probably the funniest part of this story...)

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